Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Other Things About Me

Okay that was fun, but kind of boring. So let me try this again:

  1. I cannot roll my tongue or raise one eyebrow. This annoys me. Particularly the eyebrow.
  2. Every car I have owned has been a Mazda. One 323, two Proteges, and now a Miata. My next car will be another Miata.
  3. There is nothing better than laughing.
  4. I met my first best friend when I was four. We still talk, we still laugh together, nearly 40 years later.
  5. Michelle (see #4) and I spent longer than most kids living in a fantasy world. We had a lengthy backstory and returned to these characters each time we played together for at least a year. She was named Icabod. I was twins named Dooditch (the good one) and Doolitch (the bad one).
  6. My father was an editor for Merriam-Webster - he is the first Assistant Editor listed in the 1955 edition of the Unabridged Dictionary. I used to put an asterisk by his name in every edition I came across. I am a dictionary vandal.
  7. Mother is a coloratura soprano and was a librarian. I am a 1st Alto but my mother swears to this day that I am a 2nd Soprano. I'm not a librarian but love to sort, categorize and organize things.
  8. I have a birthmark on my right thigh that is shaped exactly like the top part of an exclamation point. I have another on my side that is shaped exactly like the bottom part of an exclamation point.
  9. Ask me at nearly any time where I'd like to be, and I will tell you I want to be standing in the Pacific Ocean off a Hawaiian beach, jumping in the waves.
  10. My shoe, hat and ring size are all the same - size 7.
  11. I will stop and watch the last 1/2 hour of The Shawshank Redemption every time I come across it. And I have and will cry each time I see Morgan Freeman walk down that beach.
  12. During the 1977-78 seasons, I spent each Trailblazers game in front of the tv keeping track of all the stats. I had a HUGE crush on Dave Twardzik.
  13. My lab partner and I kept our pigeon when we finished "Pigeon Lab" (Behavioral Psychology) in college. His name was Roger-Charley because we could not agree on a name.
  14. I am waiting for David James Duncan to write something (fiction) as wonderful as The Brothers K or The River Why.
  15. Piglet and I go way back. I am known by some as a Piglet, though I am much more assertive and outspoken than Piglet. Read the Tao of Pooh - it seriously changed my life.
  16. I believe in Reincarnation and the Rainbow Bridge. They are not mutually exclusive.
  17. I wish I had turn signals
  18. I have a soundtrack. I wish you could hear it.
  19. The absolute highlight of my 30th birthday party was a very aggressive game of Spoons.
  20. Between the ages of 12 and 21, I intended to work with Autistic Children.
  21. INFJ. Strategic-Input-Achiever-Communication-Intellection. Cancer. 9.
  22. I love river otters. I do not think sea otters are quite as cute.
  23. As I type this, both dogs are farting. I have moved around the living room 3 times now. Damn you Alpo!!!
  24. I had a boss tell me once that I was like Mary Tyler Moore - or like a big glass of milk. Good girl.... me?
  25. I swear like a sailor. It is a chore for me to NOT swear most of the time.