Monday, January 26, 2009

And now down to business

So what's the real reason I'm doing this? What is the Siren singing about?

The real point is that I've been reading and once in a while posting to a particular blog:

This is a fantastic blog, created by a great man who loved a great man as his best friend for 20 years. Josh Westhaver - Joshua - was a wonderful man. Not just a great man, but a great human. He passed away on December 11, 2008. The blog is a wonderful way to honor Josh (I guess he's always going to be Josh to me), and I read it regularly. There are many contributors - friends from the distant past and friends from the immediate past.

And me. The ex-wife.

My stories are all weird. My photos are of Josh and I together. Wedding photos. Just generally having fun and holding on to each other. Life as a married couple. So while I try to dig up stories appropriate for a blog that friends near and far would want to read, I have this little side project where I can submit my thoughts to the great Ethosphere Gods.

That and the fact that I need a place for randomness. For whatever the Siren's song is today. Less formal than my other blog: That one has been idle for a long time, waiting for me to come up with something intelligent to discuss. I have a plan to get that back on track. I have a lot of plans.

Plans are a way to cope with grief.

And now my break is over and I'm back to work.

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