Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How many sirens does it take to write a blog?

Sirens on the Rocks. It *could* be a drink. But it is not. I had another blog with the same name:


But the account was somehow lost in some sort of Blogger Google shuffle. So it sits there and I cannot access it without ending up in Intertubez Hell. It's there (look at the link) but it isn't on my dashboard anymore. So now I have the exact same blog, except that it's not.

I want to write, but as it turns out, getting up at 3am to watch the Innauguration of Barack Hussein Obama it beginning to catch up with me. So this is another test, that will lead to the other blog that started out as Sirens on the Rocks.

May I have another Siren on the Rocks, bartender?

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